Humanitarianism, sport and the UN: Time for Change

Humanitarianism, sport and the UN: Time for Change

“For as long as we invest in outdated or self-serving models of humanitarian action, we will continue to trade in missed opportunities.” – Dr. Samantha Nutt It is time for change. In 1978, UNESCO described sport and physical education as a fundamental right for all;...
Joining forces around the World Peace Day

Joining forces around the World Peace Day

Thirty-five years have passed since the United Nations General Assembly declared in a resolution the International Day of Peace, with a purpose to commemorate and strengthen the “ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”. Today, 21st September...
The 2016 Friendship Games in Rwanda

The 2016 Friendship Games in Rwanda

The 7th edition of the Friendship Games in the Great Lakes region of Africa will take place on 14, 15, and 16 October 2016 in Bugarama, Rwanda. These three days of trans-border sports events designed to promote peace will bring together over 180 9-15 year-olds from...
Peace and Sport – SPORTEL Documentary Prize

Peace and Sport – SPORTEL Documentary Prize

Peace and Sport and SPORTEL have renewed their partnership for the second year running. The Peace and Sport – SPORTEL Documentary Prize, which rewards a filmmaker who, through a video clip or a movie, emphasizes the positive role of sport in peace promotion,...
Sport: A Substitute or a Motivation for War?

Sport: A Substitute or a Motivation for War?

While Sport for Peace is widely seen as an emerging field, its antecedents can be traced back to the Olympic Truce where it was first used to settle temporary peace between warring states, to allow for competition among their athletes (SDPIWG, 2008). Sport is a main...