
Panel on « Gender, Human Rights, Peace, and Sports »: when sport contributes to achieving Gender Equality

Nov 16, 2020 | News

On the occasion of the 4th Conference on Peacebuilding from a Gender Perspective, on November 7th, Peace and Sport co-organized a panel on Gender, Human Rights, Peace, and Sports with the IBERO Mexico City-Tijuana’s Gender and Inclusion Program.

The panel was an opportunity to highlight that sport is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting development and peace and, therefore, for achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls.

The 2-hour panel gathered professionals and researchers from sport and governmental institutions, Champions for Peace, and Peace and Sport’s Secretary General. The members of the panel were the following:
– Rita Van Driel (PhD), Member of the International Paralympic Committee Governing Board ;
– Laurence Fischer, Ambassador for Sports, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Champion for Peace ;
– Carlos Manuel Pereira (PhD), Board Member, Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth ;
– Georges Vanderchmitt, Secretary General of Peace and Sport ;
– Gregory Vallarino, Ju-Jitsu and Judo Champion, Champion for Peace.

An active participation of women in decision processes is essential as it has a powerful impact on social development and peace. However, women are often under-represented in leadership positions in the sport world and they have less access to the practice of sport due to gender stereotypes. In that context, more investment, comprehensive policies and strategies can help correct these inequalities.

The panelists demonstrated the universality and neutrality of sport, and shared best practices to fight gender violence and gender stereotypes through sport, from their respective areas of expertise. The representatives from Peace and Sport explained that the Organization is committed to promoting gender equality through field programs and a growing representation of female athletes in the Champions for Peace Club. They also underlined that the gender approach is transversal in the Methodology of Peace and Sport and that it is an essential component of the Mobile App Peace and Sport by MyCoach, which allows educators from all around the world to promote gender equality in the field.

The 4th Conference on Peacebuilding from a Gender Perspective will take place from November 3 to 13. Peace and Sport has been honoured to participate in the organization of the 8th panel with the IBERO Mexico City-Tijuana’s Gender and Inclusion Program. We hope to collaborate again with IBERO in the future.

For more information about the panel about Gender, Human Rights, Peace, and Sports, the recording is available online:

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