
Peace through sport training sessions


French Embassy in Togo, building and structuring lasting peace in communities through sport


Convinced of the major role of sport as a vector for the development of societies and its role in the inclusion of young people in living together, the French Embassy in Togo is supporting the FEF-OSC Sport Inclusion et Cohésion Sociale project in Togo. The aim of this FEF-OSC 2023-2024 is to enable 13 civil society organizations to receive training in the basics of Peace through Sport, illustrating the values of sport as a real vector for inclusion and social cohesion in peace-building.



How does Peace and Sport support this project ?

Capacity Building

Mandated by the French Embassy in Togo, Peace and Sport trained 13 civil society organizations and 27 new peace educators in the basics of peace through sport. These training sessions were an opportunity for our trainers to initiate and sensitize future peace educators to the catalytic role of sport in achieving the objectives of peace, inclusion and social cohesion.

Athletes’ mobilization

Benjamin Boukpeti, Peace Champion and Togo’s only Olympic medallist, drew on his experience to teach the Peace and Sport methodology to selected civil society organizations, training them in the practical implementation of Peace through Sport sessions.

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