Sport Diplomacy a tool worthy of governments

Sport Diplomacy a tool worthy of governments

The term “Sports diplomacy”, describes the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic, social, and political relations[1]. Sports in this context may transcend cultural differences and bring people together or at least it is a possibility the European Commission...

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Building peace one day at a time through sport

Building peace one day at a time through sport

This Peace Day, 21 September marks the 14th annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence, which was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations in 2001. The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, has said, “Sport is a world language, a common...

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Peace starts in our own backyard

Peace starts in our own backyard

On July 15th this year, with my fellow marathon runner John Kelai and Wilson Kipsang we started a Walk for Peace in Kenya. Our itinerary took us on a 22 day, 863 kilometre (520 miles) journey through the toughest area in the northern region in order to reach out to...

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Israel and Palestine play high stakes soccer

Israel and Palestine play high stakes soccer

Israel and Palestine are playing political soccer with Palestinian football as the ball. The stakes for Israel‎ are far higher than for Palestine. Israel is effectively on probation as it seeks to definitively defeat Palestinian efforts to persuade world soccer body...

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