Sport is a Right; a Right Set in Law

Sport is a Right; a Right Set in Law

“Sport is everywhere today. It has gained ground in all areas of private and public life across the globe. Sport for all and elite sport. Sport played by multitudes, and sport at the highest level. It has become a business, a public health tool, and a political issue....

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Giving youth what sport gave me

Giving youth what sport gave me

I started basketball at the age of 14 with the UNSS (School Sports Union) at school, in Paris’ 18th arrondissement, and then I continued in a club. I have an atypical background because I didn’t go through a sports federation or a training centre, so I had to...

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Displaced by War, United by Sports

Displaced by War, United by Sports

“The Za’atari Camp is home to approximately 76,000 people who fled violent conflict in Syria, seeking refuge in Jordan. Each day across the bustling camp, children attend school; entrepreneurs run businesses; people attend courses for technical and vocational skills;...

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Think peace through Olympic values and sports

Think peace through Olympic values and sports

In the current geopolitical and socio-cultural landscape with so much violence, hate, and intolerance, the world is finding it hard to be peaceful. The fundamental principles of Olympism and the importance of learning Olympic values are required more than ever...

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Sharing positive values through sport

Sharing positive values through sport

It is important to convey the values and benefits of sport. It’s a commitment that is very close to my heart. Even today, in 2020, we still see too much hatred and racism in society around the world. I have experienced shocking situations during my career and...

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