On April6, speak your peace


On April 6, make a gesture for peace.


In 2024, as the world faces unprecedented geopolitical instability, the global context underscores the urgent need for a culture of peace. In response, Champions for Peace, a collective of 110 top athletes advocating peace through sport, are amplifying their voices and values, through the #WhiteCard campaign, to promote more peaceful and inclusive societies.

Around the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP), Peace and Sport organizes a consultation with Champions for Peace and a thematic event co-organized with UNESCO. Both initiatives aim to explore the role of athletes as peacebuilding advocates, while examining their expectations and the challenges they face in promoting inclusive and peaceful societies.

Amplify the movement and join the campaign.

Join the campaign

Because a gesture is worth a thousand words, this year show your support in a unique way: by raising your #WhiteCard and taking part in the #WhiteCard challenge, share your snapshots and videos on social networks with the hashtag #WhiteCard.

Show your support

Support the #WhiteCard campaign by raising your #WhiteCard and using the widget/filter.

Mobilize your network

Invite your friends and family to reproduce the letters of the word P.E.A.C.E.

Take up the challenge

Participate in the #WhiteCard challenge by reproducing the letters of the word P.E.A.C.E. one by one.

The Champions For Peace Appeal

#Speak your Peace
Through the symbol of the #WhiteCard, the Champions Fore Peace unite and appeal around three pillars.

Event organized with UNESCO

Athletes Game On for Peace
Peace and Sport and UNESCO, in partnership for the past 13 years to build peace in people’s minds through sport, have joined forces to co-organize the international dialogue “A Athletes Game On for Peace”, to be held on April 4, 2024 at UNESCO headquarters.

Eleventh year of the WhiteCard campaign

Make peace through sport a priority
Through the #WhiteCard campaign the global community has a unique opportunity to rally around athletes and Champions for Peace, using a simple powerful symbol to advocate for peace and unity .

Mobilizing schoolchildren in the Principality of Monaco

3 awareness-raising events
Three events will raise awareness among the Principality’s schoolchildren of the celebration of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Alfredo Harp Helu Deporte Foundation

Commitment to Peace and Sport objectives
As part of the AHH Deporte Foundation’s commitment to the objectives of Peace and Sport, from March 6 to April 6 the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace will be celebrated in Mexico.
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#Speak your Peace

The Champions For Peace Appeal

Through the symbol of the #WhiteCard, the Champions Fore Peace unite and appeal around three pillars.

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Event organized with UNESCO

Athletes Game On for Peace

Peace and Sport and UNESCO, in partnership for the past 13 years to build peace in people's minds through sport, have joined forces to co-organize the international dialogue "A Athletes Game On for Peace", to be held on April 4, 2024 at UNESCO headquarters.

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Eleventh year of the WhiteCard campaign

Make peace through sport a priority

Through the #WhiteCard campaign the global community has a unique opportunity to rally around athletes and Champions for Peace, using a simple powerful symbol to advocate for peace and unity .

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Mobilizing schoolchildren in the Principality of Monaco

3 awareness-raising events 

Three events will raise awareness among the Principality's schoolchildren of the celebration of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

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Image is not available
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Alfredo Harp Helu Deporte Foundation

Commitment to Peace and Sport objectives

As part of the AHH Deporte Foundation's commitment to the objectives of Peace and Sport, from March 6 to April 6 the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace will be celebrated in Mexico.

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Peace and Sport and the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

year of creation

countries involved

million in 10 years

Like them, participation means commitment